Friday, October 21, 2011

Miss B {9 months}

Sweet laid back momma who also looks like a model? Check! Darling 9 month old who couldn't stop smiling? Check! Fancy smancy looking dog that works perfect into the "mood" of our shoot? Check! This was such a fun session, although I've come to expect nothing less when Miss B's minis roll around! Her happy personality is so contagious, I could literally photograph her all. day. long!

It's so hard to believe that in a few short months this sweet girl will be ONE YEAR OLD! Where does the time go? She's not even my child and I want to just freeze her at...well...she's just so darn cute at every age that I don't know which one I would pick! haha For more of my faves, check out my Facebook! Enjoy!

X's and O's
Brandi Sue