I was tagged in this survey thing on my facebook so I thought I'd post here too! Feel free to comment your own random things if you wish...not sure how much you can write in the comment box though. Anyway, it was kind of fun even though it was hard at first! After while I kinda got on a roll and I could have went on further but maybe I'll make a "Part 2" haha Hope you all had a great weekend! Enjoy!
1. I have a hard time answering the question "Where are you from?" because I have moved around a lot and so I don't really know which place to pick haha.
2. Because of the above statement...I can't wait to make roots in our new home in Norman!! Love you babe!
3. I have 2 half sisters, 1 half brother, and one full brother all whom I hardly get to see but love dearly!
4. I choose to wake up on the right side of the bed 99% of the time and I find it hard sometimes to understand why others don't. It's a choice so why wouldn't you choose happiness? But everyone is entitled to a bad day too ;)
5. I'm told that I over think things 99% of the time. But usually it ends up being a good thing so I don't take it personally. I sometimes wish they would give it a try.
6. I am naive in thinking that everyone is my friend. I often find out too late that someone doesn't like me and was only pretending. But it doesn't bother me as much as it used too...their loss!!
7. Despite the above...I am everyone's friend! I can't think of one person I don't like...honestly. But people say I am intimidating sometimes and I have NO idea why.
8. I can usually start a conversation with anyone anywhere and I often do. It's not always welcomed though so I try to keep control over it haha.
9. I invest a lot of time into other people and their lives. I do it with my patient care obviously but I also do it with friends. Like lately I have been doing pictures for them and whatnot and anytime they need something most of them know they can count on me. I don't mind though for now since I don't have a lot going on yet and because I won't get to see them much when I move!
10. I feel the need to explain things in detail sometimes...okay most of the time! I can't help it though, really I have tried. It's who I am. I mainly do it because I see so many conflicts happen from the result of miss communication or from people reading into things wrong. And sure enough, the minute I leave out a detail someone says "Well you didn't say that" it's annoying but I've come to accept it! haha
11.I don't like how people have become so sarcastic lately.
12. When I go shopping I sometimes find it easier to buy other people things because it takes longer for me to decide if I would like "such and such" and where I would put it!
13. I love dressing up, it makes me feel confident and feel like people will take me more seriously.
14. I am in the process of learning that for others to take you seriously that you must take yourself seriously as well. So I try and build up my confidence and surround myself with people who support me rather than cut me down.
15.I lived 2 years in a Children's Home...on my own accord. And I believe that it was one of the best choices I made in my life.
16. I still think about all my old classmates and wonder what they are up to. One reason why I am a big myspace/facebook fan! I'm usually surprised to find that they remember me though since I moved around a lot.
17. I get annoyed when people add me on myspace/facebook and then never ever comment or anything. Makes me wonder why they would add me.
18. Even though I enjoy public speaking, singing, and clogging for a crowd...it take a LOT to get me to do it. I think I have some kind of borderline anxiety problem because my heart starts racing, I feel nauseated, I get cotton mouth, go blank sometimes, and feel like I am going to pass out!! I don't think anyone knows though besides Devin and Maurice Walton. (I used to practice the National Anthem to Maurice about 5 times before I'd sing it at high school basket ball games) I have found out that with clogging it's sometimes hard to move my legs with the beat even though I can do it just fine in practice! So basically my body seems to betray me but I try and hold it together because it's something I want to enjoy!
19. I love the fact that I am a certified scuba diver...although I am also scared to do that and have to remind myself over and over and over to breath slow! I'm not afraid of the animals...but of going up or down too fast and messing my body up!
20. I always wished that I could play sports but always let my fear of failure keep me from trying it plus classmates can be so cruel sometimes and I didn't want to go through that
21. I really wish I had more close girl friends or ones that were closer but I wouldn't trade the ones I have for anything!!
22. Even though I am an "over thinker" I don't worry about things. God has always taken care of me and I believe that he will continue to do so. But I don't like to test his patience so I try and live a good life and make proactive choices!
23. I'm not a materialistic person but a sentimental one. I want to have lots of memories not things when I get old.
24. I only have a handful of pictures from my childhood and 2 or 3 videos. I don't have my baby book and it makes me really sad when I think of that. So I guess I am materialistic when it comes to sentiment things haha
25. Because of the above...I'm addicted to pictures and obsessed with capturing memories! haha I have kept a diary since I was 10 (I don't write in it as much now that I am older) and you almost NEVER find me without some kind of camera. I also really like looking at other people's pictures and reading blogs. The first thing I do when someone adds me is look at their pics...that's what they're there for anyway right?! One of my fave new things is to look at the old pictures my patients have on their walls...they tell such a story and so far my patients are eager to show them off and the story that goes with it! Love it!